
Marvel - Grafiskā Novele - Avengers VS X-Men (Graphic novel - Avengers VS X-Men)

Produkto kodas: 9781846535185
Prekė NĖRA yra sandėlyje

Paperback (mīkstie vāki) 372 lpp.

Izmēri: 170 x 260 x 27mm | 1,080g

Izdots: 23 / 11 / 2012

Izdevējs: Panini Publishing Ltd / Lielbritānija

Valoda: Angļu

ISBN10 1846535182

ISBN13 9781846535185

Autors: Brian Michael Bendis

Marvel's premier super teams clash in the ultimate battle for survival. Does the return of the all-powerful Phoenix to Earth herald the rebirth of the mutant race? That's what the X-Men believe! Unfortunately, the Avengers are convinced that the Phoenix's arrival will mean the end of all life on Earth. The stage is set for the ultimate Marvel showdown!

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