Marvel - Grafiskā novele: Deadpool Kills Deadpool (Graphic novel: Deadpool Kills Deadpool)
Product code: 9780785184935
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The final act of the Deadpool Killogy begins! Deadpool sets his sites on the ultimate target...himself! Contains over 700% of your daily recommended Deadpool!
Autors: Cullen Bunn Ilustrators: Salva Espin
Paperback (mīkstie vāki) 96 lpp
Izmēri: 168 x 259 x 10.16mm | 181g
Izsdots: 21 Sep 2016
Izdevējs: Marvel Comics, New York, United States
Angļu valodā
ISBN10 0785184937
ISBN13 9780785184935
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