
Marvel - Grafiskā novele: Deadpool Volume 3: The Good, The Bad And The Ugly (Graphic novel: Deadpool Volume 3: The Good, The Bad And The Ugly)

Product code: 9780785166825
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Deadpool hits the streets with Power Man & Iron Fist!

Autors: Brian Posehn Ilustrējuši: Scott Koblish , Declan Shalvey

Paperback (mīkstie vāki) 144 lpp

Izmēri 168 x 259 x 7.11mm | 290g

Izdots: 01 Jul 2014

Izdevējs: Marvel Comics, New York, United States

Angļu valodā

ISBN10 0785166823

ISBN13 9780785166825

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