Marvel - Grafiskā Novele - Wolverine: Origins Volume 3 - Swift And Terrible (Graphic novel - Wolverine: Origins Volume 3 - Swift And Terrible)
Product code: 9780785126133
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Paperback (mīkstie vāki) 120 lpp.
Izmēri:146 x 225 x 5.59mm | 267g
Izdots: 28 Nov 2007
Izdevējs: Marvel Comics / New York, United States
Angļu valodā
ISBN10 0785126139
ISBN13 9780785126133
Ilustrācijas: Steve Dillon Autors: Daniel Way
Having finally seen his face, Wolverine sets out to rescue his son from the grasp of the shadow society that once enslaved him. But Logan's son doesn't want to be saved, he wants revenge - against Logan, the father who abandoned him.
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