Various - Melnā Piektdiena - Latvijas Metal Mūzikas Izlase N°5

Product code: 4750510003713
Available in stock last copy

1 Skyforger – Gada īsākā nakts

2 Sanctimony – Super Hero

3 Neglected Fields – Sinesthetic

4 Flaying – Injection

5 Preternatural – Human Transmigration

6 Wild Colony – The Dragon Lance

7 Rūsa – Lietus

8 Distant Light – Prison of Dreams

9 Urskumug – When Water Becomes Ice

10 Nightwing – Forgotten Ancientt Manuscript

11 Agares – Transilvanion Hunger (Darkthrone Cover)

12 Infected – Castle of Matches

13 Motorium– Neviens

Guest artists

SkyforgerSanctimonyFlayingPreternaturalWild ColonyRūsaDistant LightUrskumugNightwingAgaresInfectedMotorium

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