Burzum - Thulêan Mysteries

Burzum - Thulêan Mysteries

Product code: 803343260052
Item NOT AVAILABLE in stock

1-1 The Sacred Well 2:57

1-2 The Loss Of A Hero 0:55

1-3 ForeBears 4:04

1-4 A Thulêan Perspective 4:03

1-5 Gathering Of Herbs 1:15

1-6 Heill Auk Sæll 3:39

1-7 Jötunnheimr 1:40

1-8 Spell-Lake Forest 1:08

1-9 The Ettin Stone Heart 1:17

1-10 The Great Sleep 1:30

1-11 The Land Of Thulê 2:15

1-12 The Lord Of The Dwarves 5:16

1-13 A Forgotten Realm 7:26

1-14 Heill Óðinn, Sire 1:19

1-15 The Ruins Of Dwarfmount 1:32

1-16 The Road To Hel 7:45

1-17 Thulêan Sorcery 2:12

2-1 Descent Into Niflheimr 1:43

2-2 Skin Traveller 4:37

2-3 The Dream Land 8:45

2-4 Thulêan Mysteries 4:24

2-5 The Password 15:14

2-6 The Loss Of Thulê 5:04


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